Navigating Funding Opportunities for Livestock Producers

Norwich Public Library Community Room, 368 Main Street, Norwich, VT
Free, but registration required
Start Date
End Date
Contact Name
Amber Machia or Susan Brouillette
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During this workshop, the UVM Extension Dairy Team will:

  • Review the different avenues for funding, the 2025 schedule, and what types of projects are eligible for funding with a special focus on funding for climate-smart agriculture.
  • Share tips and tricks for the application process and provide resources for technical assistance as well as discuss collecting supporting data and documentation for projects.
  • Facilitate an interactive process for participants to build an effective farm description that encompasses the mission and vision for their operation, which can be incorporated into any application.


This is a free workshop with lunch included. This workshop is specifically designed for Vermont dairy and livestock producers; however, producers from New Hampshire are welcome to attend. Register online by 2/3 at 

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