Organic Practices Technical Assistance Services

Swiss chard and other organic greens at Old Road Farm.

Organic practices improve soil health, water quality, and climate resilience while supporting healthy ecosystems and farm viability. NOFA-VT offers production technical assistance, resources, and educational opportunities for farmers interested in implementing organic and climate-resilient practices.

  • Climate-Smart Farming & Marketing: As participants in a regional Partnerships for Climate Smart Commodities Project, NOFA-VT can offer technical assistance (including access to financial incentives) for farmers implementing certain climate resilient practices. More information on the project, including how to enroll, can be found here
  • Climate & Risk Assessments and Planning support 
  • Organic Certification technical assistance through the Transition to Organic Partnership Program (TOPP)
  • Workshops & Forums: Year-round opportunities to learn from each other and experts about conservation, adaptation, and mitigation strategies and practices