Customer Behavior at Markets: Tips for Increasing Sales & Customer Satisfaction

This presentation was given by Maria Rojas, GrowNYC, at the 2017 NOFA-VT Winter Conference and covers tested strategies to increase sales and customer satisfaction. Learn tips for advanced merchandising, appealing to a customer’s behavioral habits, segmenting your market, and leveraging sales data records to make informed marketing decisions.

Vermont Direct Markets: "Stagnant, Saturated, or Ready to Surge?"

From grocery consolidation to the growth of online food markets, the food retail market is undergoing dynamic shifts. These changes are directly impacting the position, opportunities, and challenges for food producers targeting local food markets. Local food advocates are celebrating as their values emerge from market fringes to the mainstream; where once local food was limited to direct markets like farm stands, Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) shares and weekly farmers markets, certified organic and “local” food is now represented in all channels.